In Macedonia – The Matka Gorge

July 4, 2011


A view along the Matka gorge

Up in the mountains above Skopje you’ll find the Matka gorge, which contains a long thin lake formed when the first of three dams was installed to provide water and hydroelectric power to the city below.

The Matka dam

Although it is accessible from the city centre on the number 80 bus this journey takes some time as it has stopping points in all of the suburbs leading up to the gorge. If you’re not driving I would recommend asking the staff at your hotel to hire a driver for you – ours, who went with us on our trip around the gorge, only charged us 20 euros for what turned out to be an entire afternoon of sight-seeing.

The lake itself is beautifully clear, the water tinged with green. The first thing that you’ll come across as you walk around it’s edge is the church of St Andrew, which dates from 1389 and contains largely intact murals that depict the life of Christ. Next door is a restaurant with an extensive shaded area outside – perfect for sitting down and sipping a cold drink while you wonder at the craggy mountainside and gently flowing water.

Odd stalactite formations

Something else that you absolutely must do is take a trip from the adjacent jetty on one of the small boats which will lead you gently through the gorge for about half a mile, depositing you outside a mountain cave that has impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations inside (and lots of bats!). Unusual bubble-shaped features can be found on the cave walls and these are hollow – if you tap them they resonate, with each having a different tone depending on its internal volume. If you fancy yourself as a percussionist take along some drumsticks – it’s the strangest drum kit you’ll ever find! The cave is also popular with underwater divers, as it can be accessed through a wide channel on the edge of the lake outside the cave which is navigable to a depth of over 200 metres below the mountainside. I’m not sure it’s something I’d contemplate but the option is there if you’re a qualified diver.

The Matka gorge is an absolute must-see if you’re visiting Skopje. It was definitely the highlight of our trip!

About The Londoneer

Pete Stean is a keen blogger, amateur photographer, singer and ham radio enthusiast in his spare time... Google+

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