Thursday, 24 March 2011

T.G.I. Friday's 'Synchronised Flairing' Record Attempt @ Covent Garden Tomorrow

Photo by Kenny Hindgren 
Get yourself down to Covent Garden tomorrow morning and you will be able to witness a Guiness World Record attempt for 'Synchronised Flairing' (i.e. the flashy moves performed when they're preparing your cocktail) by 120 expert bartenders, which is being put on as part of T.G.I. Friday’s celebrations of 25 years in the UK.

These guys are looking to beat the previous record, of 100 flairers performing a synchronised routine for 120 seconds. If you want to see the excitement (and possibly witness a disaster!) be in front of St Paul's Church for 10:30am. You might even have an opportunity to learn some of the skills that Tom Cruise was taught for his hit film, 'Cocktail', including moves such as the 'shadow pass' and the 'gun roll'. If they're feeling generous you could be offered a sip or two - surely it would be sacrilege to tip these exotic drinks away after they've prepared them!

Check out more about the event and the rest of T.G.I Friday's 25th Anniversary Celebrations on their Facebook page here.