Sunday, 27 March 2011

Experiencing The Rural In Richmond

After the sci-fi extravaganza yesterday, we decided to calm things down a little in the afternoon with a long walk around Richmond Park, the largest of the royal parks at nearly 2500 acres. It's always a bit odd to find yourself in the depths of woodland even though you're only half an hour away from central London - it's a strange feeling I don't think I'll ever get over...

Although we didn't get around the entire park - it's over 8 miles in circumference - we did get to take a look at King Henry's Mound and the nearby lodge, with its array of wild roses, as well as paying a visit to the large central lake. You'll find quite a few photographs of today's trip here.

Unfortunately we didn't see any sign of the red or fallow deer that roam the park and number over 600, or pay a visit to the specially planted Isabella plantation yesterday, but then there's always next time.

From Richmond Park March 2011