TheLondoneer: Testing Out TasterLab in London

For the last few days I’ve been looking over ‘TasterLab’, a site that gathers together interesting experiences that you can have in London for the first time to see whether they might become part of your regular lifestyle…

Most of the taster sessions on offer are free (or at least heavily discounted) and don’t carry any obligation to continue with the provider, and there are quite a varied set of things you can try out. Looking at some of the listings you can see whether kickboxing might be for you with a free session at the Epic Gym in West London, look into your diet with a nutritionist from UrBod at three central London locations, or investigate one of the new collaborative working spaces springing up in London, in this case through HubCulture in Soho who are giving away free day passes so that you can check out their facilities. If there is a downside, most of the tasters only have one provider  and there are some noticeable gaps: there’s nothing on art classes or photography for example. However, I’m told that a new version of the site is going up in June which will have lots more options,  and it certainly seems to be gaining popularity in its current form – they have more likes on Facebook than I do for one thing! TasterLab is worth checking out I think – it might be right up your street if you’re looking to fill some time with a new hobby or two…